Day 139 – Adelaide Hills (Hahndorf)

20130929_photoWe started the day with a breakfast at Orange Spot Bakery in Glenelg, which won the illustrious title of ‘Best Pastie in Australia’ award. Oh, and it’s pronounced ‘Past-E’, not ‘Paste-E’. We ordered a few, and we all were in agreeance, they were super tasty! (Photo from Risa’s phone, left my camera at home…)

20130929_RCH_3409It was a perfect day, warm sun with clear skies. We toyed with a few areas to visit, but settled on a day trip to Hahndorf, a little German village in the hills of Adelaide. It was only a short blast up the highway before we were surrounded by rolling hills filled with wineries and other small acreage farms. Like much of South Australia, original settlers to this area were from Germany, bringing with them Germanic style buildings and food/wine.

20130929_RCH_3407 20130929_RCH_3412 20130929_RCH_3413 20130929_RCH_3419The town had a definite tourist vibe. As mentioned, it was a perfect day, so there were plenty of tourists in town. We walked up and down the main street, looking in a few of the shops selling local produce (expensive) and just enjoying the beautiful architecture of the buildings.

20130929_RCH_3405It wasn’t all passive consumption though, we stocked up on a heap of different seasoned sausages, including a delicious and spicy kangaroo meat sausage. It was great to slowly nibble on these cured small goods as we wandered down the main street.

20130929_RCH_3415We’d noticed an amazing amount of beautiful classic cars at breakfast, and then seen a few more on the drive to Hahndorf, and even more parked in town. We put it down to the beautiful weather and thought little more of it. But, there was really an amazing number of fantastic (and rare) classic cars (Mustangs, GT Falcons, GTR Toranas, Impalas, GTOs, GT40s, Porsches, Minis and many, many more) driving around town. They were generating as much interest as the town itself, with crowds growing around some of the cars taking photos. We later found out that there was a classic car rally that happened between Glenelg and drove through Hahndorf into the hills beyond.

20130929_RCH_3422Couldn’t visit a German village and not stop for some German wurst and a glass of fine German beer. I made a mistake of buying from an ice cream shop that also sold German hotdogs – they used Coles bread roles, and Mastercraft sauce and mustard, but the actual wurst and sauerkraut were delicious. But those two small touches (the bread and sauce) just made it feel unauthentic and soured the whole experience.

20130929_RCH_3426 20130929_RCH_3427We returned via a chocolate factory, and attempted to visit a cheese one, too (but it was already shut), then a quick stop at a beautiful (and very modern) winery (though we didn’t end up stopping for a tasting session).

Again, another nice day in/around Adelaide. I’d heard that the hills of Adelaide were beautiful, and I would certainly agree.

138日目  9月29(日)  ドイツに来ました!?

今日は、お天気もバッチリ。  彼らのお家の近くのとっても美味しいと有名なペイスティーと呼ばれる半月形のパイ生地の中に、色々な具が入っているオーストラリア?なものを求めにちょっとそこまでお散歩。

Orange Spot Bakeryという場所で、わざわざ遠くからもこの絶品ペイスティーを買いにくる人もたくさんいるみたい。

オリジナルの具は、ポテトとひき肉、タマネギその他のお野菜。 パイはとってもサクサクで全然脂っこくない絶品。中身もおいしい!  ギリシャのは、ラムひき肉、ポテト、などなど、、これは最高においしかった!!!!!





ぶらぶらとお店の外、中共に散策。 建物は、本当にかわいらしいです。

途中友達のオススメのソーセージ屋さんに立ち寄り、一番のおすすめのカンガルーのピリ辛ペパローニ、ドイツ伝統の細長いスティック状のサラミや、ビーフジャーキーを購入。カンガルーペパローニとジャーキーをちょっとかじってみたけど、どちらも超絶品♡  ドライブ中、ゆっくり味わって頂きます!




その後は、周囲のキャンディー/チョコレート工場とチーズ工場でテイスティングをしに行こうと思ったけど、チーズ工場は、4時で閉まっていました。 キャンディー工場は、ちょっと雑然としていたけど、ここで作られた製品はあちこちで売られていてファンも多いらしい。。  チョコを試食したけど、工房で丁寧に作られてるってものではないので、普通にスーパーで売ってるチョコの味って感じでした。




デリックさんは、5年程、キャットさんも6年以上日本に住んでいた大の日本ファンなので、2年前にニセコから引っ越してきて以来久々の本物の日本料理に2人とも大満足してくれました。  食後は、おにぎりのリクエストが出たので、明日のランチの為にキャットさんにおにぎり講習会をひらきました笑


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